During inclement weather, we opt for safety first. Regular hours may be changed, or if weather is extreme, we may be closed.
Inclement Weather Policy
As a rule, we follow Snoqualmie Valley School District closures. If the news reports that schools in our area (Fall City Elementary, Chief Kanim Middle School, Mount Si High School) are closed, we will likely be closed.
If you have online access, check our Facebook page for a post from the Food Pantry. We will do our best to bring you the latest openings and closures regarding the Food Pantry schedule.
If we must close on a regular food distribution day (the first or third Wednesday of the month), we will be open on our next scheduled distribution day. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Please call the Food Pantry at 425-222-5458 if you have questions. You may also leave a message and we will follow up with you when conditions allow.
If conditions seem dangerous, regardless of school closures, please do not risk your safety to visit the Food Pantry. Arrangements can likely be made for you to receive food at a later time.