Fall City Elementary School held a hugely successful food drive last month and we were thrilled to welcome students, faculty and parent volunteers when they delivered their generous donations in mid-December.
Approximately 3,100 items were shuttled from the school and delivered to the Food Pantry on a chilly Saturday morning in December. With the direction of Food Pantry Manager Nance Myhre, the Pantry was a hive of activity as volunteers sorted and moved the items to their appropriate storage locations.
Thanks to the alphabetically labeled boxes in the FCES hallways for collecting donations, sorting the food was a breeze—the perfect model for a speedy and efficient process! What a magnificent effort by the FCES community! Your donations are indispensable for our families in the Valley who depend on the Pantry for food assistance.
FCES also raised $725 with a special Thanksgiving Day workout session held at Sculptor Fitness and hosted by Debby Moller. The money raised was used to purchase 29 - $25 gift cards for Target that were presented to families at our last distribution day in December.
Thanks to Jennifer Mitchell and Amy Gagnon who coordinated food drive efforts and also dropped off cake mixes, candles, frosting, sprinkles and clementine oranges that their Girl Scout troop collected. Our families appreciate getting these special treats! Thank you!